The Types Of Bitches is an inspired list of all 90 kinds of bitches, left on a grade school class floor to enlighten all of humanity.

Sadly, 15 types of bitches were missing, and are unknown to this day. This blog is dedicated to discerning the lost 15 types of bitches.


The Lost Bitches

Since ancient times, humans have sought to catalog every aspect of the world we live in - living species, chemical elements, cheeses, and many that are even less important.

Among all the classifications, however, one stands out: The Types Of Bitches. It is an inspired list of all 90 kinds of bitches, left on a grade school class floor to enlighten humanity.

However, just like the missing 5 commandments to Moses, 15 of the crucial bitch distinctions have never been found. History became legend. Legend became myth. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.

This blog is dedicated to discerning the lost 15 types of bitches.